Pinky Promise Boutique

Did you know that Pinky Promise started from a bracelet? After Heather Lindsey got married, she came up with an idea to design a few bracelets that women could wear to remind them of their worth.  After she created the bracelets, she started the Pinky Promise Store.  Heather figured a few of her friends and family members would purchase the product, but she quickly went into back-order on day 1! After about 6 months of continuously selling out of every product; Heather realized it wasn’t enough to just give a woman a bracelet, tell her not to have sex outside of marriage or to cheat on her husband. She knew she couldn’t reach every woman physically; but if she created a network of women, they would be able to meet in groups on a regular basis, and be accountable for each other. To date, Pinky Promise has over 40,000 women in over 300+ groups. Being a part of Pinky Promise is absolutely FREE and it will always be free!